Continuing with our recent theme of "mods that are really useful, but not massively game-overhauling", today's mod fits neatly into something a lot of players have had a problem with for years - why does glass not drop blocks, or at the very least, broken pieces to use in some other way?
Ijfa's Glass Shards mod addresses this very issue, by giving you glass shard drops whenever a block of glass is broken! The mod is clever enough to recognize different glass types as well, including the various colored glass blocks in game. While the drop chance isn't 100%, it's still a sight better than completely losing the glass block or pane when broken, either by hand, or by the local friendly wildlife. Understandably, glass panes drop fewer shards than blocks do, but again, anything more than 0 is a good start!
Re-smelting shards into new glass not interesting enough? You could always take those shards and forge a sword out of them! The glass sword has the same attack power as an iron sword, but doesn't last nearly as long, what with being made out of glass.
Glass Shards is 1.8.9 compatible, and plays very nicely with a number of other mods, such as Chisel, MineFactory Reloaded, Tinkers Construct and EnderIO glass. If you're ready to check it out, just click below!
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